Soy products have gained popularity amongst the lactose intolerant, vegans, health nuts, or those who simply prefer the taste. Some limited scientific research suggests that soy products have positive health effects on heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, and alleviating menopausal symptoms. Generally, soy is thought of as a healthy option and a substitute for dairy.
Soy can act like estrogen, a female hormone, in the body. Too much estrogen can throw off hormonal balance and metabolism. For both men and women, this can lead to weight gain. In men, especially, this is thought to have negative effects on their body by decreasing testosterone levels.
Pure soybean products are miso, tofu, and tempeh which are made by fermenting soybeans with grains which is where the benefit comes from. What we are mostly eating is a byproduct or a distant relative of soy made by chemically processing and genetically modifying soybeans to make veggie burgers, soy milk, and other food additives. Even if you don’t think you are eating soy, you are.
Just take a look at the ingredients on your pre-packaged food labels. You will be shocked to see how much soy or versions of soy such as “soy protein isolates” and "soy lecithin" are used. Also, if you’re a meat eater, over 95% of soybean consumption in the US comes from feeding livestock. Soy, like corn, is cheap and is used everywhere by food manufacturers.
Even if there are some potential health benefits to eating soy, it’s not in the same amounts and typical form that most Americans are consuming.
Alternative Suggestions
• If you like soy milk, try switching to almond milk
• Choose grass-fed meats instead of those fed soy or corn
• Instead of processed soy in pre-packaged foods, soy milk, cheese, etc., have fermented soy such as miso, tofu, or tempeh
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