We’ve all heard about the evils of coke and other soft drinks and their damaging effects on our health. So you might opt for “healthier” alternatives such as fruit juices or Vitamin Water. In reality, the amount of sugar and calories in these beverages can be just as much as and higher than some soft drinks.
You may think that fruit juice has the similar benefits as the actual fruit, but in actuality these beverages may be causing as much weight gain as other drinks. You wouldn’t normally eat the amount of fruit, therefore sugar and calories, it takes to make that much juice. Even if you did, in fruit juices, the fruit is stripped of its fiber and the nutrients begin to deteriorate as soon as the fruit is cut open. Then, even more sugar and sometimes high fructose corn syrup is added. As for Vitamin Water, or really sugar water, the vitamins in it won’t even survive in your digestive system to reap any real benefit.
Even though it only has 13 grams of sugar and 50 calories in a serving, there are 2.5 servings or 32.5 grams of sugar and 125 calories in the container. A 12 oz. Coca-Cola can has 39 grams of sugar and 140 calories, which isn’t too far off of Vitamin Water. Though a Vitamin Water container is typically 20 oz., rarely does one stop drinking until they see the clear bottom of the bottle and all of the sugar and calories are consumed. Pay closer attention to orange juice, apple juice, and other fruit juices for the same trend.
There are diet versions of these beverages, but they are usually loaded with artificial sweeteners.
Better Alternatives:
• If you really like juice, try a homemade juicer
• Tea has several delicious flavors, including fruit, and lots of natural and beneficial protective ingredients.
• Try taking a high quality multi-vitamin capsule with regular water
A federal court agrees with you, (about vitamin water, anyway)! See http://blogs.wsj.com/health/2010/07/26/what-do-jelly-beans-have-to-do-with-cokes-vitaminwater/; http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?id=1202471692942&CocaCola_Sued_Over_Vitaminwater_Claims.