Friday, March 30, 2012

How to Fight Fatigue

Do you ever have that feeling a couple of hours after lunch when you’re doing everything you can to keep yourself from dozing off on your keyboard? When that morning cup of coffee is not enough, you may turn to a candy bar, energy drink, or soda to get you through the day. While coffee in moderation can make you more alert, these other quick fix foods and drinks may leave you even more tired before you clock out.

If you often find yourself in this scenario or just want more energy, the solution may be with what’s on your plate. There are some foods, such as those high in B vitamins and iron that can help sustain energy throughout the day and avoid drastic highs and lows. Conversely, high sugar foods, fried foods, and foods high in saturated fat can make you feel sluggish, tired, and sleepy.
The simple or broken down sugars in candy bars, sodas, and other sugary foods/drinks are quickly absorbed in the body and shoot the blood sugar up. Your body compensates by producing a lot of insulin to get the blood sugar back down and you find yourself more tired than you were to begin with. 

Iron, especially from animal sources, helps improve oxygen uptake in your body and the presence of B vitamins are necessary in energy production. High fat foods take a long time to digest which draws more blood from other parts of the body to the stomach for digestion. Also, fat does not provide immediate energy as it is stored in the body as an alternate source of fuel. 

Lastly, if you still find yourself constantly tired, make sure you are getting enough rest each night. Adequate sleep can also contribute to weight loss. Check out You Snooze, You Lose.